Archive for May, 2009

Robbie’s Five Days on Board

On December 30, 1946, the George 1, a Navy patrol plane attached to Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s Antarctic Expedition crashed, killing several crew members. James “Robbie” Robbins was one of the survivors who spent 5 days on the Brownson. Robbie shared part of the story at the recent reunion and we’ve posted it on the Memorabilia page (click here to go directly to the story). There’s a link in the article to the full story which describes they’re ordeal in detail.

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Reunion Photos Posted

We’ve added a gallery for reunion photos. There’s some there now but we’d like to have lots more. Go to the Reunion Page to view the photos and to add yours.

We are also in the process of moving the memorabilia gallery from the old website. Look for it in the upcoming weeks.

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