
Complete the registration form below and we'll put you on our mailing list and add your information to the on-line roster so that your old shipmates can find you. Any information on this form may be posted on the website. If you don't want something posted, just leave those fields blank unless they are marked as required. Your email address is required so we can contact you but you have the option of not having it posted if you wish.

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Full Name [required]
Email Address [required]
Highest Rank on Brownson  
Aboard Brownson from:   to 
Are you a member of the
Brownson Association?
How did you hear about
the Association?

If "Other", how?

Read Carefully: If you answer "Yes" to the next question your email address will be posted on the website. The address is stored in a database so it is unlikely that spam "harvesting" software will get a hold of it. You may withhold it if you wish but we recommend that you let us post it to make it easier for your old shipmates to get a hold of you.

May we post your e-mail address on the website? [required]