2009 Nominating Committee Appointed

In accordance with the By-laws of our Association, President Eliff has appointed a nominating committee for the 2009 Reno reunion. Article IV-Committees, Section 3, states the following:

A Nominating committee of three (3) members, one (1) of which shall be chairman, will be formed in advance of the Association’s next reunion to present a nomination slate of officers to be voted on at the General Membership meeting.

President Eliff has appointed the following members to serve on the committee for the 2009 reunion:

  • Jack Richardson, Chairman Richgrp124 @aol.com
  • Ed Lynch, elynch77@att.net
  • Jerry Koellsted, Koellsted@charter.net

Please submit the names of any member you would like to nominate for office to one of the committee members above. The current officers have served with distinction and have volunteered their time to serve again if re-elected. To nominate a member, you must have prior permission from that member that they are willing to serve if elected. If you do not have email available, please call the Chairman at 803-781-2128 to make your verbal nomination.

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