Additional Mesothelioma Information

From Doug Karr, Veteran Advocate & Outreach Coordinator of the Mesothelioma & Asbestos Awareness Center

“My name is Doug, and I represent the Mesothelioma and Asbestos Awareness Center, a leading Internet resource for information about mesothelioma, a fatal form of cancer. I am also a veteran of the United States Navy, and a proud advocate for veterans. The MAA Center has been recognized by the Health on the Net Foundation as a reliable & trustworthy source of medical information on the web and is approved by as an excellent resource for veterans and all members of the military community.

As you may know, mesothelioma cancer is caused by previous exposure to asbestos. Countless veterans were exposed to asbestos while aboard naval ships, while repairing military vehicles and aircraft, and while residing in aging military housing. Troops currently serving in Iraq are also at risk of asbestos exposure, making this a very timely health and safety issue for veterans and all members of the military community. In addition to featuring information about asbestos exposure and the health consequences for veterans, we also provide content on a number of other veteran issues, including PTSD, addiction, and more. ”

The website is located at There is a permanent link to it on our Links page.


  1. Jerry Wood Said,

    January 9, 2010 @ 22:38

    Look for anyone that was aboard the dd868 in 1968 though 1969.I’m would like to know if you or they where on deck at the time I was blown off the 5inch gun turret.If so please send a e-mail or call me the e-mail is is my girl number is 1-719-746-3036.
    Jerry Wood E-3

  2. Richard Beffert Said,

    October 31, 2010 @ 17:53

    Does anyone have information on anyone having asbestos ,I was on board 1956 1958 having it checked again.I was in fireroom.

    Richard Beffert

  3. John Geida Said,

    April 14, 2011 @ 08:09


    I am looking for anyone who remembers Mr. Tim Moore. Mr. Moore served on the Brownson from 1959 to 1963. He worked in the engine room.

    If you remember Mr. Moore, or were aboard during that time, would you please contact me? My email address is My phone number is 860-449-0341. Thank you.

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